Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Yay, me!

Today I took an elevator all by myself. Twice!

Normally, if I have to use an elevator, I call Yaakov and talk to him the entire ride. But today, I gussied up the courage and did it alone. Both ways. I won't say that I wasn't scared, because I was - terrified. But I did it.

I'm proud of myself!


  1. Go Maven! Yay Maven. Ha shem loves Maven!

  2. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I'm proud of you too!

    It is a big deal when we face our issues, and an even bigger deal when we give ourselves permission to celebrate our victories...we are all too hard on ourselves!

  3. I am so proud of you!!! I am kvelling with nachas!!! Remember when Big Girl was born and you walked up something like 4 flights of stairs to see her rather than take an elevator? YEAH!!!!
