Wednesday, December 06, 2006
You know, the one Michael Richards used. His comments were Nasty. They've become Notorious. Me? I think it's Narrishkeit.
Why? Because people are discussing the symptom and not the problem. The problem is racism, and xenophobia. And the bigger problem is that people want to wave their Tolerance Wands and make it all go away.
I think it's high time that we admit to our racism. We all have it (My grandparents would drink John Kennedy's bathwater yet lock their car doors in a schvartze neighborhood). I think it's time to say it's okay to have feelings. I don't buy this knee-jerk liberal crap where everybody has to love everybody (sorry, Jesse Jackson). People sometimes feel uneasy around people who are different, and I think that's normal.
However (!!!), moach shalit al halev. Feelings must be tempered by the mind. We should examine them, understand them, and act appropriately. Ideally, we want our feelings to be virtuous - but ultimately, ha maisseh hu ha-ikkur. Action is the main thing. You got that, everybody?
(Brought to you by your favorite kike.)
At 11:43 AM,
Stephanie said…
jesus christ said the K WORD! I think that people that generalize about ppl because of their color, religion, etc, are IGNORANT SLUTS! I despise generalizations..DESPISE IT! I mean..some of my best friends are jews:)
At 1:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Um, shocked, but in truth I think you are right.
Basically, right now in the US we have this fake game of respect going. People are upset that Richards used all of those words, but what upsets me more is that people don't use words like that all the time yet think the EXACT WAY. This whole society has the new politically correct game that they play, and they only thing that has changed is the words they speak.
At 5:48 PM,
Mrs Andy said…
Amen. Well said. I can't add anymore to what you've already said. Thanks for saying it.
At 12:06 AM,
ggggg said…
Great post!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and thus introducing me to yours! I will blogroll you! Be well.
At 4:47 AM,
Maven said…
thank you, reb venter
At 9:47 AM,
ggggg said…
Reb? LOL
At 5:36 PM,
kasamba said…
I think being PC has made the world gone nuts!
At 7:54 AM,
anonym00kie said…
so true.. our whole society is built on treating symptoms instead of the problem.. band aid on top of band aid..
one day we're gonna wake up and realize the problems are all there.. and way worse off than they ever were
all hell will break loose..
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