Sunday, October 14, 2007
At the end of our morning prayers, the children say, "We want Moshiach now!" Each week I remind them who Moshiach is - the redeemer of the Jewish people. Today I explained that when Moshiach comes, G-dliness will be revealed. We will be able to see it clearly, as clear as this one's sparkle shoes or that one's curly hair. One girl said she sees G-dliness like that already. I believed her, and wished her mazal tov.
We are learning about Bereishis. I explained to them what Hashem created on each day of the world. On the third day, G-d separated the waters and the dry land. I showed them a globe, and all the water and land. I showed them Eretz Yisroel, and explained that this is a place G-d created for the Jewish people. They were amazed at how small it was. I told them that when Moshiach comes, all the Jews will go there and the land will be bigger. One girl piped up that her father wouldn't be going, "Because he's Christmas." I was startled, and had no idea what to say. She didn't seem fazed at all, so I decided to just let it be.
We sing and learn and are constantly talking about G-d. I love reading their mitzvah notes and high-fiving them. I work hard to create projects for them that are fun and meaningful. I want to create memories: warm feelings about Hashem, Yiddishkeit, and me.
At the end of class, my lovely Latina student wrapped her brown arms around my waist. I reached down and stroked her head. She hugged me again. For all the work that Hebrew school entails, moments like that make it totally worth it.
At 8:27 AM, Mrs Andy said…
I have a question (I know you're dying of not-surprise here!)
You stated that Moshiach is the redeemer of the Jewish people. What about other people? Do you believe that He will come to redeem all people?
At 8:51 AM, Anonymous said…
Won't Moshiach usher in a time of peace on Earth for all people? So in that sense, the nations will also be redeemed.
At 9:03 AM, Maven said…
it's true. moshiach will come and redeem the entire world. but there is a particular aspect of redemption for the jewish people, a deliverance from the exile we are currently in. that's just where my head was at. i was not - chas v'shalom - trying to be exclusive or trying to minimize moshiach's role.
At 9:20 AM, Anonymous said…
Maven - teach us in the blog what you're teacing the kids.
That should make getting ready for Hebrew school a little more fun - think of how many you'll reach.
And you write so well.
At 11:40 AM, Dinosaur Mom said…
Do they give you any guidance for what to say if one of the kids tells you "My dad is Christmas" or "My mommy lives with her boyfriend" or "We never light the candles at home"? Just curious.
At 2:26 PM, Scraps said…
Aww, that's so sweet! :)
At 6:38 PM, Wendy said…
Getting through to a child is wonderful. I have serious respect for teachers.
At 9:35 PM, Maven said…
no guidance as to what to do in those situations. i guess i just have to be on my toes!
At 8:21 AM, شارح القرآن said…
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At 1:10 PM, tamer said…
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