Thursday, February 14, 2008
The other day Yaakov started doing this funky dance around the kitchen. "I got the Obama groove," he informed me. We giggled.
Both of us were enamored with Republican Ron Paul, so I know full well that Yaakov isn't down with Barack Obama. But what is it about that guy?
I've been thinking about this "Obama Magic" that pundits have been palavering over. He is just magnetic. I mean, first of all, he's a handsome guy. And those teeth! Those beautiful white teeth against that smiling black face! And speaking of blackness, it's a major factor. He's black enough for black folks, but not "too black" (Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton) to scare away us honkies. He appeals to a broad spectrum of people, and has tailored his campaign to do so. And another point, his race makes him different. People want different now.
He's intelligent and well-educated. He's a great orator and he inspires. When he's not debating issues, he's giving these "Up With People" victory speeches. He makes you feel good: good about the country, good about yourself. He makes you want to change things for the better. That's his mantra - CHANGE. He's certainly made enough positive changes in his own community.
People like to caricature his Muslim background. They send out emails that he was sworn into office on a Koran or he wouldn't pledge allegiance. People want to turn him into a closet Islamo-facist. I think it's hogwash. His political track record is strongly pro-Israel, something I doubt many terrorists can claim. Besides, am I the only one who considers his Muslim background favorable when it comes to foreign diplomacy?
Even though he is thoroughly LESS experienced than Hillary, he makes his Washington newbie status a plus. He's not the "same old, same old" Washington bureaucrat. He's also chivalrous! Did you see how he pulled out Hillary's chair after their
I can't say I'm politically on the same page as Senator Obama, but I'd savor an Obama victory far more than a Clinton or McCain one. What can I say? He's special.
At 7:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
I still say "choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil"
At 10:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
Barack Obama and Israel
The American Thinker, January 16, 2008
Redacted from an article by Ed Lasky
The ascent of Barack Obama from state senator in Illinois to a leading contender for the Presidential nomination in the span of just a few years is remarkable - Especially, in light of a noticeably unremarkable record -- a near-blank slate of few accomplishments and numerous missed votes.
However, in one area of foreign policy that concerns millions of Americans, he does have a record and it is a particularly troubling one. For all supporters of the America-Israel relationship there is enough information beyond the glare of the klieg lights to give one pause. In contrast to his canned speeches filled with "poetry" and uplifting aphorisms and delivered in a commanding way, behind the campaign façe lays a disquieting pattern of behavior.
One seemingly consistent theme running throughout Barack Obama's career is his comfort with aligning himself with people who are anti-Israel advocates. This ease around Israel animus has taken various forms. As Obama has continued his political ascent, he has moved up the prestige scale in terms of his associates. Early on in his career he chose a church headed by a former Black Muslim who is a harsh anti-Israel advocate and who may be seen as tinged with anti-Semitism.
This church is a member of a denomination whose governing body has taken a series of anti-Israel actions.
As his political fortunes and ambition climbed, he found support from George Soros, multibillionaire promoter of groups that have been consistently harsh and biased critics of the American-Israel relationship.
Obama's soothing and inspiring oratory sometimes vanishes when he talks of the Middle East . Indeed, his, off-the-cuff, remarks have been uniformly taken by supporters of Israel as signs that the inner Obama does not truly support Israel . This despite what his canned speeches and essays may contain. Now that Obama has become a leading Presidential candidate, he has assembled a body of foreign policy advisers who signal that a President Obama would likely have an approach towards Israel radically at odds with those of previous Presidents (both Republican and Democrat). A group of experts collected by the Israeli liberal newspaper, Haaretz, deemed him the candidate likely to be least supportive of Israel . He is the candidate most favored by the Arab-American community.
When Obama moved to Chicago and became a community organizer, he found it expedient to choose a Christian church to join. Even though his father and stepfather were both Muslims and he attended a Muslim school while living in Indonesia , suspicions based on his days as a child are overheated and unfair. Still, his full name alone conveys the biographical fact that he has some elements of a Muslim background.
Saul Alinsky, whose philosophy infused community organizing in Chicago, emphasized the importance of churches as a basis for organizing. There are literally hundreds of churches on the South Side of Chicago that Obama could have chosen. He selected one that was headed by Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Jr. The anti-Israel rants of this minister have been well chronicled. Among the gems:
The Israelis have illegally occupied Palestinian territories for almost 40 years now. It took a divestment campaign to wake the business community up concerning the South Africa issue. Divestment has now hit the table again as a strategy to wake the business community up and to wake Americans up concerning the injustice and the racism under which the Palestinians have lived because of Zionism.
Pastor Jeremiah Wright, Jr. is a supporter of Louis Farrakhan (who called Judaism a "gutter religion" and depicted Jews as "bloodsuckers") and traveled with him to visit Col. Muammar al-Gaddafi, archenemy of Israel 's and a terror supporter. Tucker Carlson of MSNBC has called Pastor Wright a total hater and wondered why the ties that bind Obama to Wright have not been given greater scrutiny. Mickey Kaus of Slate has also wondered when the ties between Obama and Wright will receive more criticism, given Wright's seeming bigotry, which is in contrast to the soothing melody of unity that Obama has trumpeted on the campaign trail. Some in the media have taken notice .
As Obama took steps toward the United States Senate he found a very powerful sugar daddy who would help fund his rise: George Soros. The billionaire hedge fund titan began supporting Obama very early -- as befits a legendary speculative investor always looking for opportunities. Obama coveted support from George Soros and Soros responded -- along with many family members and probably the Soros ring of wealthy donors. Soros even found a loophole that allowed him and assorted family members to exceed regular limits on campaign contributions. Soros is also a fierce foe of Israel, for years funding groups that have worked against Israel .
Every Presidential candidate assembles a foreign policy team of advisers. A glimpse into the makeup of Obama's team has leaked to the media.
Martin Peretz of The New Republic -- a supporter of Obama and of Israel -- had this to say about Obama's Foreign Policy team:
"I have my qualms, as you may know, about Barack Obama, and most especially about what his foreign policy might be. If elected (and actually before he were to be elected), the first decision he would have to make would be who would represent him in the transition to power from early November to January 20. And, frankly, I get the shudders since he has indicated that, among others, they would be Zbigniew Bzrezinski, Anthony Lake , Susan Rice and Robert O. Malley." Lake and Brzezenski both earned their spurs in the Carter Administration. Jimmy Carter, of course, has led a very public campaign of vilification against Israel-defaming it as an apartheid state (a view that Obama's Pastor would concur with).
The appointment of Brzezenski elicited much dismay among supporters of Israel since Brzezinski is well known for his aggressive dislike of Israel . . He has been an ardent foe of Israel for over three decades and newspaper files are littered with his screeds against Israel . Brzezinski has publicly defended the Walt-Mearsheimer thesis that the relationship between America and Israel is based not on shared values and common threats but is the product of Jewish pressure. Brzezinski also signed a letter demanding dialogue with Hamas - a group whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel and is filled with threats to Jews around the world.
Susan Rice was John Kerry's chief foreign policy adviser when he ran for President. One of the major steps Kerry suggested for dealing with the Middle East was to appoint James Baker and Jimmy Carter as negotiators. Robert Malley was part of the American negotiating team that dealt with Yasser Arafat at Camp David . He has presented a revisionist history of those negotiations since then: presenting a view that blames Israel for the failures of the negotiations. He has spent years representing the Palestinian point of view, co-writing a series of anti-Israel articles with Hussein Agha - a former Arafat adviser. Palestinian advocate. ... etc. etc.
USA and Israel supporters: Please take note
At 10:20 AM,
Mrs Andy said…
AMEN Yaakov on the lesser of the evils!
Who wrote the novel....??
Anyway...the whole 'sworn in on the Koran" rumor, has Obama confused with Keith Ellison the first Muslim to be elected to the Congress.
As for Obama, he does present a nice front, but when you get down to the substance of his platform, he would like to spend us into oblivion. Not that the current admistration has had any problem doing that, but I fear Obama would be worse. I also fear him because he wants to make nice with Iran. Iran wants to eliminte Israel, that just cannot be allowed to happen. Israel is the only hope for all the peoples of the middle east.
At 7:34 PM,
Ayelet Survivor said…
Charming, yes.
Substantive? Jury's still out.
At 10:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
personally, I voted for obama to help make sure that hillary didn't win; I hope to vote republican (or independent, if the right candidate fills that slot) in the general election
At 9:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah, but didn't people think Hitler was quite the guy in the beginning?
At 6:33 PM,
Maven said…
are you comparing barack obama to hitler???
that's a little far-fetched.
At 4:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
No, I wasn't saying Obama was like Hitler, but I have heard Hitler was quite the speaker and that got the people to like him and got him into his leadership position. Just because Obama is a good orater, doesn't make him a good leader. We learned that about Hitler.
At 11:23 AM,
Maven said…
it's true, hitler was a rousing speaker. but there were other emotional issues going on with the german people at the time. they were badly beaten from ww I and very impoverished. they were paying reparations all over europe, and the people were very downtrodden. hitler re-infused them with their german pride, and conveniently gave them a scapegoat for their problems.
i hear what you're saying, that a good speaker doesn't necessarily make a good leader. yet if truth be told, i don't think we can fault hitler's leadership abilities. he led his people quite well for a good number of years. that doesn't mean he wasn't morally bankrupt, and it doesn't mean he was a good man. but a leader, he was.
as for barack obama, i too mentioned that he has his rhetoric and his touchy feely speeches. so applying your sentiment to barack obama ALONE makes sense to me. i still think the hitler thing is a little out there.
At 3:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
honk if you're a honkie for Obama!
At 11:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
were you serious about the "not too black" part? Does "too black" make you uncomfortable? I'm going to assume you were being satirical, sarcastic, or a combination of both! As a "too black" Jew I know very well how cream in the coffee is preferred!
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