Monday, December 31, 2007

I just had some problems with Blogger, saying my password was incorrect, blah blah. The problem seems to have resolved itself (hopefully). If you never hear from me again, the insidious Blogger overlords have locked me out. Just saying.

New year's on the secular calendar means zilch to me, but if it means something to you, mazel tov. (Dad told me that 2008 is a very lucky year according to Chinese astrology, 8 being a magic Chinese number.)

And speaking of Dad, he's supposedly arriving on Wednesday morning. He sent his special "surprise box" about a month ago. My kids associate him with take-out food, so Rivky has already inundated me with restaurant requests. I hope the visit will be normal, but that's highly unlikely. Yay, Dad!

I was rummaging through a box the other day, and found a response card to my wedding: "I hope you don't have any long strange trips!" I also found the entire broken plate from my engagement, wrapped in 2 paper bags. I chucked it. I already have a big shard of it, why do I need to save the whole plate (nu?). For now, being organized trumps being sentimental.

Zalman seems to have recovered from his second bout of Rotavirus, though I still periodically have to scrub the carpets. The smell does not go away!

Today, I told a friend about some things from my pre-frum past. It seemed so far away, and yet it was such a part of me. And I felt kind of weird to tell her, but safe and loved at the same time. So it was weird and okay, all at once.

There are some unusually stressful things happening, which I cannot talk about at present. I hope to be able to share some good things in a couple of months. I know I haven't been posting a lot lately, but I'm still here. I hope you are, too.


  • At 11:07 PM, Blogger Dinosaur Mom said…

    Kids'n'Pets, man. It's the best stuff in the world for killing smells in carpet and mattresses. If your local emporia don't stock it I would be glad to mail you some.

    Happy new secular calendar year to you and yours!

  • At 3:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy New Year! I like Nature's Miracle myself. :)

  • At 10:16 AM, Blogger Maven said…

    dino mama, is that better than febreeze antimicrobial? i've been scrubbing and febreezing the hell out of everything...

  • At 11:47 AM, Blogger Mrs Andy said…

    I'm just back from our trip, and catching up on your blog....sorry about Baby Z, and his poops. If I were closer, I would so come over with my Rug Doctor and steam clean for you.

    As for secular new year, we didn't even make it to midnight, we are so old and boring now....some people in our neighborhood started shooting off firecrackers around midnight, to which my husband just rolled over and grunted at me.

    Anyway, I hope 2008 is a good one for the maven famliy. :)

  • At 12:36 PM, Blogger Maven said…

    eden, you are so sweet.

    we were also sleeping way before midnight. before we signed off for the night, i told yaakov "wow, i guess we're an old frum couple, now."

    as for 2008 being great, of course it will be! it has the chinese magic 8 in it, how can we go wrong???

    p.s. zalman had another crazy poop this morning. i don't think it was rotavirus, but it escaped the diaper and was all over my bed...i had to scrub and febreeze and my matress STILL smells! it's so depressing.

  • At 4:45 PM, Blogger Wendy said…

    Those odors are tough to combat, I agree! Good luck!

    (Blogger was weird for me too!)

  • At 7:11 PM, Blogger Dinosaur Mom said…

    It kicks "khell krep" (as Dino Spouse would say) out of Febreeze. I have historically found it in Target. You have to let it soak in and dry but it totally is worth it.

  • At 8:18 AM, Blogger Maven said…

    i am totally going to target today. i will keep you posted!! thanks!

  • At 11:47 AM, Blogger Mrs Andy said…

    Have you also consdidered getting a matress cover with plastic backing on it for the beds Baby Z sleeps in? They are in the bedding section at Target, my mom and Grandmom used them all the time when we were kids, it saved the beds.


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My Photo Name: Fancy Schmancy Anxiety Maven
Location: Chutz l'aretz - Outside of Brooklyn

fancymaven at gmail dot com