Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Yaakov: (grinning) Hey, happy halloween!
Me: Yeah! You could go as a harried husband, and I could go as a hormonal wife. And hey - we don't even have to put on costumes!


  • At 10:40 PM, Blogger Dinosaur Mom said…

    I dressed my mother-in-law up as a normal human being. She was very convincing.

  • At 9:32 AM, Blogger Maven said…


  • At 2:16 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Haha! I like it. Maybe you can use the same costumes for Purim? Or you could go as "serene parents with lots of time on their hands"


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My Photo Name: Fancy Schmancy Anxiety Maven
Location: Chutz l'aretz - Outside of Brooklyn

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